How smart are you with money? Given the new economic reality that we all face, almost everyone is looking for new ways to make savings in their personal finances and better ways to manage their household budgets. When most people think about saving money they look towards the bigger items, cars, holidays, homes etc but if you take control of the smaller items you will begin to notice a big difference. take a look at the list below; Stop buying that weekly magazine €3×52= €156 Cut out your daily coffee €3×260 =€780 Bring your own lunch to work €5x 260 = 1,300 And if you like the look of some of the above savings here are some more clever tips; By turning down your thermostat by 1 you will cut your bills by approximately 10% Select the lowest temperature that is recommended on your washing machine and dishwasher. Is your roof properly insulated? Up to 30% of the heat in your house can be lost through the roof. ‘A’ rated appliances can use up to 33% less energy than older appliances Trade in your old phone. Trade-ins can be worth €20- €150.