Are you fed up waiting? Are you fed up waiting for your fund to change direction? If you find yourself in a situation where your fund charges are outweighing your returns then the below might be of interest to you. While deposit accounts used to provide individuals a guaranteed steady growth rate on their savings we no longer have that luxury. In a recent survey conducted by Zurich Life Plc, lack of access and investment risk remained the key barriers to investing for individuals. In the survey 1000 people were asked, what was stopping them moving money from poorly performing deposit accounts to investment bonds? and the results looked like this; 39% said the number 1 reason for not moving was a perceived lack of access to their money in an emergency. 18% were concerned that investment options would be too risky for them. 10% were just unaware of alternative options. With the current low interest rate environment individuals in general are being offered returns of less than 1% by lending institutions. When you couple this with the DIRT tax of 41% you will need a magnifying glass to see your returns. If you find yourself in a situation where you fall into one of the above categories, then it is time to be provided with a real solution. Don’t delay talk to a member of Stability Financial today! 01-6349393