Are you getting the right advice? Your Experience of Financial Advice? As a relatively new entrant into the world of Financial Advice, the one thing that I have noticed and I am definitely not alone when I say this is that Financial Advisers have a bad reputation. Obviously this reputation comes from individual personal experience when dealing with financial advisers. One of the first questions I always ask new potential clients is; for them to tell me their previous experience of using a financial adviser? In an awful lot of cases there tends to be large similarities with the responses and it typically relates to lack of regular contact from the adviser. The Truth? The way I look at situations like this would be, either you have a financial adviser or you think you have a financial adviser? When was the last time you heard from him/ her? If you can’t remember, chances are you don’t have a financial adviser. Don’t get me the wrong way some people do not want their adviser calling them every second week, but regular contact is very important in long term relationships. Without boring you all to tears here are some of the concerns that I would have about lack of contact; When was the last time you heard from the person who sold / recommended you the financial product? When was the last time you readjusted you portfolio? When was the last time your adviser checked to make sure your personal circumstances hadn’t changed? When was the last time you were advised on how your portfolio was performing? Unfortunately as we are all too aware, the world we live in today is volatile and I’m not just talking about the financial markets, individual circumstances change, people lose loved ones, families have children, people lose jobs, people get new jobs and this will all have a direct impact on your financial plan. So unless your financial adviser has a secret formula as to keep on top of all of this without contact, you are leaving yourself open. So what to do next? If you think what has been mentioned above is a fair representation of your experience with a financial adviser why not make a change? We are fortunate to have a world of highly intelligent and trustworthy advisors willing to engage and meet your personal requirements, so don’t be let out. When dealing with a quality adviser you will notice some immediate comparisons; You will know how your investments are performing. You will know exactly what level of risk you are taking. You will know exactly if your retirement plans are on track. If anything happens to you, the money goes to the right people. If you would like to talk to a financial adviser today don’t delay and talk to Stability Financial Today!